Pacific St & Rochester Ave NW Corner

Installation 50 x 50 x 300 cm   Multi-Channel Video, Length Variable

Custom-made metal stand, monitors, speaker, Raspberry Pi
Pacific St & Rochester Ave NW Corner

This work is an encounter with a broken traffic sign, a set of malfunctioned symbols. The error leads to an emptiness in meanings, opening new possibilities for interpretation, funny or confusing.

The meaning of symbol comes from the common understanding, but it is only an abstraction, a reduced representation of the essence. An effective symbol always tries to accommodate the mass, in the process of which its connection with the individual is diluted.

Pacific St & Rochester Ave NW Corner

Since when do we read signs as they are? Since when do we see the digital images as we see the truth? These images only exist in a world we observe through screens, within the boundaries of frames. Reality has no boundaries, and the truths are infinite. There’s always a truth against common sense, a reality out of the ordinary, a narrative that deviates from the mainstream, a meaning for few where the unheard stories unfold.

When two stop signs meet, don't stop but give me five!

Pacific St & Rochester Ave NW Corner
Pacific St & Rochester Ave NW Corner
Pacific St & Rochester Ave NW Corner